Fundraising Ideas

Because of you, pets in need will get the second chance they deserve. Keep up the great work by fundraising to help even more homeless and abused animals needing shelter, veterinary services, and compassionate care. Every dollar you raise creates happier, healthier lives for animals in our community.

Let's get started! Here are some tips to help you raise essential dollars for pets in need.

Start early.

The sooner you ask for donations, the more time you will have to meet your fundraising goal. Create a Facebook Fundraiser to make it easy for your friends and family to help support your goal! Log in and visit your participant fundraising page to get started. 

Set a goal.

Let your friends and family know how much you hope to raise for needy pets! Setting a goal will give you something to aim for, especially if you hope to get our awesome fundraising incentives. And if your fundraising is really successful, you may approach your goal early on and consider increasing it!

Make a personal donation.

Be the first to show your circle of friends and family how much you care for needy pets. Even a donation of $10 can get the ball rolling and will help encourage others to support your cause.

Get social.

Social media is a great tool for fundraising! We have some fun graphics to help you get the word out. Change the cover photo on your Facebook page or fundraiser page, or use one of our many post badges to help get support from your friends. There are lots to choose from! Learn more. 

Let friends and family know they can support your fundraising goal.

Make sure your friends and family know to donate on your behalf. When they search for your name on the Barktober Fest – Walk for the Animals site, their donation will go towards your fundraising goal!

Create a Facebook Fundraiser

Perhaps the easiest way to fundraise for needy pets is to create a Facebook fundraiser! The dollars you raise through Facebook will be reflected in your participant center and count towards your overall goal. You can invite family and friends to your fundraiser page and update the photos and description to express why you're passionate about raising funds for homeless and abused pets in our community. Log in and visit your participant fundraising page to get started. 

Send emails.

Sending emails is a great way to get your message out to friends and family. Share a story about why you love Lollypop Farm or how a pet has touched your heart. Don't forget to share a direct link to your fundraising page! Need help getting started? Log in and quickly craft and save emails for your friends and family.

Ask employers.

Many companies match employee donations. Check with your employer and ask your donors if their company will match their gift and help twice as many pets in need!