Welcome to the Bizarre Bazaar!

We're so happy you're here at the Bizarre Bazaar in support of United Against Poverty and our goal of helping families struggling in poverty get to self-sufficiency.

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Now, who's ready to have fun?

The site you're on right now is Bazaar Headquarters. This is where you'll find exclusive content, behind-the-scenes peeks, and the soon to be famous Bizarre Bazaar auction. To access some of that exclusive content, you'll need to Register for the silent auction and follow the prompts to the mobile app Givi. This is really the only way to bid on the items.

Still have questions? Check out our FAQ page to see if we can answer your questions.

Curious about what items are in the bazaar? Click on Auction Items above. Items have been obtained from some of our favorite places and people. They include new and preloved items, and range from accessories, services, apparel, household, and more! Online bidding starts early on August 21st, so don't wait to register.

If you don't think you'll stay for the auction, please consider making a Donation. Your gift today supports our Crisis Stabilization Programs, which helps prevent hunger, homelessness, and instability.

We are so thrilled you're here with us and hope you have a blast at the Bizarre Bazaar!






of your goal reached







