



of your goal reached

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Set up your page NOW, so you are ready on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3 (Giving Tuesday)


Set up your #BBGives Fundraising Page here by clicking on the "Make My #BBGives Page" button.

Post your "Skip Around The Room Challenge" video to FaceBook, Instagram, and TikTok (Yes, you read that right...BB Camp now has a TikTok page)!!


1. Set up your #BBGives Fundraising page here, by clicking the box above that says "Make My #BBGives Page".  Make sure to share why you love BB Camp to inspire giving!

2Take a video of you skipping around the room, and at the end of the video look into the camera and say "This is the Skip Around the Room Challenge!  I've got spirit, how about YOU?"

3. Post your video on social media

4Tag BB Camp

5. Share your video, and we will too!  We'll also send you an awesome #BBGives sticker for participating!

6. Rally your friends and family.  

7. Feel great about doing good, and making a difference!

Raise $108+ to get this:



A limited-edition

#BBGives Bucket Hat!

Raise $360+ and get this:

An awesome #BBGives

LIGHT-UP Water Bottle!



The TOP 18 Camper-Fundraisers will ALSO win a trip into Lincoln City for a special treat during camp, with a Leadership Staff Person!! 


 WHAT is BB Gives? 


Feeling good by doing good: BB Gives is the way BB Camp engages in Giving Tuesday.

Create a giving page and participate in the “Skip Around the Room Challenge” to fill this day of tzedakah with BB Camp RUACH (spirit)! 

 WHO can participate? 

Campers, parents, alumni, friends...our entire BB Camp Kehilla (community) can join in the fun!

 WHY should I participate? 

Together, we can reach our goal of raising $54,000 for BB Camp, so that every kid has an opportunity to experience the fun of a BB Camp summer! 

Plus...you could win these GREAT PRIZES!!!

But... Why support BB Camp?

BB Campers are given the time, space, and support needed to be their best and most authentic selves. Through dynamic and immersive experiences, they build the confidence and skills essential to growing into passionate and engaged leaders in the Jewish Community, ensuring a brighter tomorrow for us all.

See for yourself...

Freedom from technology means building deeper personal connections

A supportive environment leads to self-discovery and independence

Today's Camp Kehilla (community): Growing Tomorrow's Leaders