Beyond Dreams Bingo

Team Eric

July 18, 2021 12:00am - August 31, 2021 11:59pm

Help Me Make A Dream Come True!

I'm raising funds to help make more memories for kids fighting life-threatening illnesses - and I need your help!

The Dream Factory is so important for kids across Manitoba who are battling life-threatening illnesses. These kids desperately need a break from the routine of hospitals, medical treatments, and the very adult challenges that come along with their illness.

How incredible would it be to be able to bring a laugh or smile to a child that could really use an extra boost of hope?

By donating to my fundraising effort, you will directly help to make happen by supporting The Dream Factory's Beyond Dreams Program You can read more about the Beyond Dreams Program below or by clicking here.

To be able to give the gift of a dream to a child in need is a truly wonderful thing. I would be so appreciative to have your support so that, together, we can bring a dream to life right here in our community.

Thank you – for helping bring a smile to Manitoba kids fighting some really tough battles!

Why We Go Beyond Dreams!

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At The Dream Factory our mission is to make dreams come true — and a big part of that is ensuring that our families feel supported before and after their Dream experience.

The Beyond Dreams program is our way of reminding Dream Families that they are an important part of our community, always. It doesn’t matter if their dream was years ago or still to come — they are what The Dream Factory is all about!

Beyond Dreams embodies all of the special moments, experiences, and gifts that we work hard to create outside of the child’s “Big Dream”. It includes everything from renting out a local theatre for a movie night, hosting a princess party to celebrate a big birthday or treatment milestone, or sending our kids behind the scenes at fun community events like Monster Jam. 

We do our best to regularly create magical experiences right here at home. It’s in these gestures, however small, that we are able to remind our families that there is a whole community of support behind them during a difficult time in their lives.

In response to COVID-19, we adapted our Beyond Dreams program to create more magic for our Dream Kids while they were safe at home. First, we hosted more than 25 Virtual Parties over the course of 2020 - with guests including iconic princesses and superheroes, local musicans and magicians, a marine biologist, and a Winnipeg Jet, just to name a few. We had more than 100 families participate virtually in these events, with some really wonderful feedback and a whole lot of fun.

We’ve recently expanded the Beyond Dreams program to make the experience for our Dream Kids even better and provide some extra support along the way. These additions included improved welcome packages and birthday and holiday gifts; support for families including grocery gift cards and family dinners; and Dream Parties to mark upcoming Dreams come true.

These activities, events, and special gifts are a welcome break for kids and families going through some of their most difficult days. Your support today will make more of these possible in 2021 and ensure that all Dream Kids have an opportunity to smile, laugh, and remember what it feels like to just be a kid - despite the difficult battle they may be fighting. It's an incredible gift to give, and we are so grateful for your support!

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