Once upon a time, there lived a happy family, excitedly awaiting the arrival of their baby girl.  This baby girl, eager and determined, decided to meet her family in person as soon as possible.   Unfortunately, baby Iris was not quite prepared for this realm, and she spent her early days reliant on a ventilator in the neonatal intensive care unit.  A tracheostomy brought mobility, and the path to active engagement began to appear, leading her to Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital in February 2023.

With cheerful optimism, Iris’ mom Kristen worked with Ranken Jordan staff to navigate each obstacle and uncover each bend in the road searching for the path to home. 

Today, the path home has been revealed and Iris is ready to embark on the next part of her journey, a testament to the care and support that guider her from hospital to happily ever after at home.   

BEYOND Gala 2024

Presented by our Partner in Play: Lesley Shekelton

Ranken Jordan transforms the lives of hundreds of children
and families each year. Join us for an evening to celebrate their
heroic journeys and to help us reimagine a world where every
child with complex medical needs lives their best life.

Saturday, September, 21, 2024:
The Ritz Carlton St. Louis
100 Carondelet Plaza, St. Louis, MO 63105

6:00 PM: Cocktails and Hors d'oeuvres
7:00 PM: Dinner Program, Live and Service Auction
9:00 PM: After Party and Dancing

Special Thanks to our 2024 Gala Chairs: Ralph and Julie Grant





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