Will you JOIN ME in helping students with autism to enjoy outdoor learning this spring?

I'll Donate to Help Students with Autism

Welcome to my fundraising page!

I'm raising donations this month for The Birchtree Center's Student Support Fund--so that Birchtree's students with autism can get outside and enjoy hands-on learning and exercise this spring. Will you consider making a donation to help make these experiences possible?





of your goal reached

I'm participating in Birchtree's Wellness Challenge this spring because I've seen the difference it makes when students with autism get the support they need. I'm aiming to improve my personal wellness this month and raise donations for Birchtree's Student Support Fund.

I'd love to have your support! Donations of any size can help fund gas for Birchtree's school vehicles, instructional supplies, outdoor play equipment, and other critical needs in 2022.

For example, your donation could go towards a small toy or favorite treat for a student to "earn" as positive reinforcement for their hard work at Birchtree and in our public schools. Or your donation could fund materials for a "Wow Wednesday" of hands-on educational activities at Birchtree's day school!

Your (tax-deductible) donation will help make learning fun and engaging for students with autism at Birchtree, in our public schools, at home, and in our community.

You can donate online using the blue button or donate by check if you prefer. Thanks for your consideration!

Your donation helps fund outdoor field trips & other hands-on learning for students with autism.

My Supporters

  • Andrew Maznek April 2022 $100.00
  • Andrew Maznek April 2022 $100.00

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