Our Team Fundraising Page

We are, once again, excited to be participating in the Baby Steps 3K to show our support for the NICU program at Children's Minnesota. The NICU program has a special place in our hearts, as both of our children are graduates. 

Parker, now age 5, spent the first five days of his life in the NICU as his (not so) tiny body learned to regulate his body temperature and blood sugar levels. At the time, we were terrified, first-time parents and felt like our world was crumbling around us. But, after a few short days, Parker was able to come home  just one day after what would have been is original discharge date. We were incredibly grateful for the care he received, but we were ready to leave the hospital behind and focus on being home.

Fast forward 2.5 years, and we were again reminded how fortunate we are to have such an oustanding NICU program so near to our home. Connor was born 5 weeks early, and upon delivery, it was discovered that he had a blood clot in his left arm. His arm orignially faced the theat of amputation, but the amazing team at Children's was able to heal it enough so that a skin graft could be performed and his wound could heal. The extended period of time that we spent in the hospital was filled with heartbreak, anxiety, fear, and sadness. But, amongst all of that, we also found hope and healing, and we formed a family - a family that no one wants to be a part of, but a family that we are forever indebted to - our Children's family. 

If you are able, please consider supporting our fundraising campaign with a monetary gift. No amount is insignificant, and every little bit helps. And, if you're so inclined, join us in the walk on June 4th - we would love your company! Your support means more than you could ever know. Thank you!

Our Team





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Our Supporters

  • Barb Guhlke June 2016 $50.00
  • Sharon Pieschel Dear Becky and Family: Congrats to all! Love, Sharon, Paul, Olivia, Mattie and Joe Pieschel June 2016 $100.00
  • Mary Slavin June 2016 $25.00
  • Monica Wistrand June 2016 $50.00
  • Brandy Duncan June 2016 $25.00
  • Sharon Pieschel Dear Becky and Family: Congrats to all! Love, Sharon, Paul, Olivia, Mattie and Joe Pieschel June 2016 $100.00
  • Gary & Mary Krueger In thankfulness for Parker & Connor June 2016 $100.00
  • Rick Miller May 2016 $100.00
  • Barb Guhlke June 2016 $50.00
  • Monica Wistrand June 2016 $50.00