Canine Companions® DIY Fundraising

Cardinal Health Top Dogs

Our Team Fundraising Page

Leading the way to greater independence!

The Cardinal Health VMA ERG is once again supporting DogFest North Central by raising funds to support Canine Companions and their mission to provide expertly trained service dogs to adults, children and veterans with disabilities FREE of charge. We love dogs and want to celebrate the human-canine bond and the joy they bring us, whether as pets or service dogs.

The impact these dogs make on lives of people with disabilities is incredible. Help us get to our fundraising goal by donating online so we can get more of these amazing Canine Companions service dogs into the lives of those who need them. You can donate to our team, or select an individual team member to support.

Thank you! 

Our Team





of your goal reached

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Recent Activity

Our Supporters

  • Kathy Todd May 2024 $50.00
  • Joseph Rudy Keep up the great work! May 2024 $50.00
  • Kathy Todd May 2024 $50.00
  • Joseph Rudy Keep up the great work! May 2024 $50.00

How Your Donation Helps

$25 Donation

Can provide service dog vests to our canine teams.

$50 Donation

Can provide one month of food for a dog in professional training.

$100 Donation

Can provide expert medical and wellness care for a Canine Companions dog.

$500 Donation

Can provide dedicated follow-up services to support the human-canine team.

Canine Companions ®

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Canine Companions is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, Federal Identification Number: 94-2494324.