AWARDS CEREMONY begins at approximately 9:30 AM in the Main Gym. Awards are given for Top Overall Male finisher & Top Overall Female finisher; Top Overall Individual Fundraiser and Top Team Fundraiser. Male and female 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place finishers in 15 age catergories will also be awarded medals.
GEAR CHECK is located in the Auxiliary Gym at Woodstock North High School. Stow your stuff securely before the race, then run/walk without burdening yourself with bags and coats. You may pick up after you have finished the course.
PETS ARE NOT ALLOWED. As much as we all love our furry friends, there are no dogs or pets are allowed on the high school grounds or on the race course.
RESTROOMS are located both inside the high school and outside by the entrance to the football stadium. Additionally, there are portapottys conveniently located at the Finish Line area and at each water station along the course.
TEAM PHOTOS will be taken by Sylver Studios on the bleachers on the west wall of the Auxiliary Gym. For ease and convenience, plan a time to meet with your team for pictures before race day. Race day photos can be viewed here!
SNACKS AND BEVERAGES will be provided in the Main Gym before the race begins. Be green and bring your water bottle to fill at our complimentary water station, sponsored by Hinckley Springs. There are also two water stations along the course.
ZUMBA WARM-UP will be offered at 7:45 AM in the Main Gym by Rae Morvay of the Sage YMCA! Music provided by Music in Motion.