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Boots on Ground

We all know that our pasts shape the person you become and the decisions you make.  I can recall having government cheese in my home as a child.  To this day, I swear that rectangular block of cheese made for the best grill cheese sandwiches.  I’m sure others would agree.  During my earlier years, we were participants of the WIC program, and recipients of food stamps (when they were in actual paper form). We received free lunches during the school year and in the summer.  Those summer meals sometimes carried into the weekends as the lunch lady would let us take extras home.  This was in response to our willingness to stay behind and help clean up after all the other neighborhood kids had left.  I can recall my parents always giving and doing for others despite the need for assistance.  Ultimately there was a time when those services were no longer needed.  However, fast forward 8 – 10 years to the time right after college graduation.  I decided to spend my first year out of school with the AmeriCORP as a VISTA (Volunteers in service to America).  I was ultimately placed with Birmingham Health Care for the Homeless.  As a VISTA, our stipends were limited and essentially reflected the population you served.   Recall that I worked with the homeless.  Move in day was the quite the experience as my key opened the door to someone else’s efficiency.  When I finally walked into my efficiency, I was greeted with filth.  I had to walk away for a moment as I was in tears at the prospect of living somewhere dirty and not safe.  I did not want my dad and brother to see me cry; however, they knew what I was doing and gave me the space I needed until I was able to pull myself together, roll up my sleeves, and put in the elbow grease necessary to live in that place.  Despite my efforts, I don’t think I walked around bare footed.  This was what I could afford at the time.  I also had to go back on food stamps as a young graduate from college.  It was humbling.  I got creative with meals and made pennies stretch.  I know what it feels like for someone to be dressed nice, have a full time job, serve others yet still needing to use his/her government issue food card.  I also know what it feels like for the cashier to ask loudly, “Are you using food stamps?” and to reply “Yes ma’am I am.”  I know the gratitude that comes with receiving receive an unexpected gift of food.  


I will not speak to my team’s upbringing.  However, I will say that we each have a personal commitment towards helping where help is needed.  It is not a one and done for us.  For example, one of our team members constantly alerts us when winter essentials are on sale so that we can stock up and have these items ready for care bags.  Each has engaged in outreach efforts and/or is employed with an organization designed to help those who are currently struggling with various life circumstances.  We all know that it takes many different types of folks in different positions to make a difference in this world.  And, sometimes, foot soldiers are needed to help make that difference happen.  We have love to give and enjoy lifting others.  We are called to be boots on ground. 


We are also “Boots on Ground” for another reason. We strive to honor all those who have served and are serving in the Armed Forces.  Each of us has a loved one that has served or is currently serving this country.  My brother (Marcus Garces) is in the Navy and my cousin (Jasmine Bobbitt) is in the Air Force.  My father (Louis Garces) served during Vietnam and several other family members have served with various branches.  Boots on Ground’s Pam Stuckey served for many years.  We are certainly very proud of her and each of our loved ones, their commitment, and their sacrifices (many of which often go unnoticed).   We celebrate and honor them with each step we take and with each effort we make to better our world.  


 Thank you friends for your support of our efforts.  We appreciate you! 

Our Team





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