Beelieve in Magic, Beelieve in Miracles

Help us make camp happen!

This may be the start of my career with Camp Heart Connection but it certainly won't be my last. The principles that this organization stands for is exactly why I love doing what I do. This year I'm getting the amazing opportunity to work with the siblings of kiddos with cancer. When a sibling has another sibling in the hospital sometimes they have to take a back seat to help out but no the week they're with us. This is their week to connect with others, relax, bee a kid. Can't wait to be a counselor for this amazing group!!!

Every year since 1988 Children's Cancer Connection has been dedicated to providing week long residential campĀ for children diagnosed with cancer living or treated in the state of Iowa. We also provide an identical week of camp for siblings of children diagnosed. At Children's Cancer Connection we believe in serving the entire family, for the entire journey! No one is ever charged any amount to come to camp and we work year round to make sure we can provide a magical experience for our campers!





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My Supporters

  • Gracyn Schriner June 2017 $15.00
  • Gracyn Schriner June 2017 $15.00