In the Winter 2017, my family noticed changes occurring within my dear Mom; a little confusion, mix-up of words, and more dramatically -- a 20-lb weight loss over the course of 9 months without any change in lifestyle. She acted withdrawn, and played off any peculiar behavior really well. Little did we know, this was the start of a cruel and devastating road that would ultimately be my Mom's demise.
It took us 7 months and countless doctors appointments to get a definitive diagnosis of CJD. All the while, pieces of her brain function were being impaired -- decision making, ability to follow directions, loss of short-term memory, hyper sensitivity to noise, paranoia, mood swings and so on.... it was extreme and extremely difficult to deal with as one of her primary caretakers. CJD is a disease that is arrived at by process of elimination, although there are some diagnostics that point towards the disease (MRI, RT-Quic). After trying and ruling out dozens of other potential ailments, we ended up with the worst possible one. The one with no hope; the invariably terminal one. It was soul crushing. Only a miracle could save her - and to my knowledge there are no miracles with CJD. Mom fought bravely against this monster of a disease but succumbed to it in March 2019.
This fundraiser is what I can do to help provide some HOPE for future families and patients of CJD. There needs to be more research and education about the disease, so that it can be detected earlier and ideally, slowed down or reversed. My Mom was so humbled that her brain could be donated to the CJD Foundation to support prion research. She was an amazing woman -- always looking out for others, especially her family, before herself. In her memory, I will continue this annual fundraiser to support the CJD Foundation. I appreciate all who stand with me on this. Thank you for your support!