Fundraising for the CJD Foundation

Lauren Esposito & Karla Piriz in Memory of Jose & Sonia Piriz

The 2024 Piriz Family Prion Disease Fundraiser

In Loving Memory of Sonia Piriz and Jose Piriz

NYPD Officer, Jose A. Piriz, passed away in 2014 from a genetic Prion Disease (Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker Disease) at only 36 years old. His mother, Sonia, also passed away from this disease in 2006. Jose left behind a wife, and at the time of his passing, a 2 year old son.

Prion Diseases are classified as 100% fatal neurodegenerative diseases in which there is currently NO CURE or TREATMENTS AVAILABLE. There are three categories of Prion Disease: Familial, Acquired and Sporadic. Since research for this disease is extremely underfunded, it has become the Piriz Family's life mission to help fight against Prion Diseases by raising money for much needed research through the CJD Foundation Family Grants. Donations go towards the "Jose A Piriz and Sonia E. Piriz Memorial Grant" awarded by the CJD Foundation.

Please help support our cause and all those affected by this disease.ell your story here! Your supporters will want to know about you and why you’re fundraising for this cause.





of your goal reached

My Supporters

  • Catherine Collins 2 days ago $25.00
  • Christina Carey 4 days ago
  • Paul Phinney 4 days ago $26.50
  • Iwona Korzeniak 6 days ago $50.00
  • Laura Purcell 6 days ago $53.00
  • Edgar R Estrella 2 weeks ago $100.00
  • Laura Purcell 6 days ago $53.00
  • Iwona Korzeniak 6 days ago $50.00
  • Nancy Westcott 2 weeks ago $50.00
  • Paul Phinney 4 days ago $26.50