Support My Fundraiser for ROMP!

Why I Climb

Climbing for ROMP is a metaphor for the mountains we all face. I'm proud to join the 10th annual Climbing for ROMP campaign and tackle my 'mountain' to help amputees get high-quality prosthetic care so they can take their first steps. 

To me, mobility is more than just moving from one place to another—it's the freedom to live fully and explore every path that life provides. Mobility is my freedom, my resilience, and my way of embracing life head-on.

  • When I’m on my bike, every pedal feels like an affirmation that I control my journey, no matter the challenges I face. Competing in BMX shows me that strength isn’t about what’s missing but about how I push beyond limits, defying expectations and breaking barriers.
  • On a hike, mobility grounds me in nature, one step at a time, reminding me that each movement forward, no matter how hard-earned, connects me to the world in powerful ways.
  • As a mom, it’s about being present for my family, showing my daughter by example that we can overcome anything and that our spirits, not our circumstances, define us.
  • Leading a trauma-informed nonprofit (On Purpose Trauma-Informed Care), mobility becomes about more than just me—it’s the ability to help others move toward healing and empowerment, to guide them as they break free from the weights holding them down.

In every aspect of my life, mobility represents my independence, my strength, and my ability to keep moving forward—proving to myself and others that life, in all its forms, is about the journey, not the obstacles.

Please consider donating to my page, joining the campaign, and sharing! Every dollar is 100% tax deductible and goes directly to ROMP's mission of ensuring access to high-quality prosthetic care for underserved amputees. 

We climb for equitable access to care.

We climb for change.

We climb for ROMP.



Climbing for ROMP 2024

My Fundraising Goal





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