Climb with Us!!!

Our Mission: Create the most inclusive mobility campaign ever, funding 250 prostheses and paving the way for ROMP’s expansion to a new country by 2026. Help us raise $500,000 for ROMP by climbing our mountains!

Ready to Join?

  1. Join our Global Climb for ROMP! Join a climb, organize your own, or go solo and climb your mountain! 
  2. Come to our North American Signature Climb in Colorado - Find your team, start a new team, or simply register to join us! 
  3. Move in Solidarity with our Climb Teams! - Commit to the Cayambe 5k, Cotopaxi 10k, or the Chimborazo 20k anytime in September or the same day that the teams are climbing in Ecuador! 

Global Climb for ROMP Campaign

Choose this if you are starting a team, joining a team, or registering solo anywhere in the world!






North America Signature Climb - Colorado Sept 7th

If you are joining us in Colorado on September 7th, please choose this classification




