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Support Our Cause!

Cal Lutheran SAAC is teaming up with the Go4theGoal Foundation to raise funds and awareness for kids battling cancer in California. Having a child with cancer is a huge financial burden for many families, and the pandemic has made their individual situations even more dire. Please help us show these kids and their families that they don’t have to fight alone by supporting your favorite team!

All funds raised will be used to improve the lives of kids battling cancer by providing financial assistance, funding innovative research, developing and implementing unique hospital programs, and granting personal wishes. 

Our unwavering mission is to improve the lives of children battling cancer by providing financial support, developing and implementing unique hospital programs, funding innovative research, and granting personal wishes. Through our first hand experience with pediatric cancer and our medical background, Go4theGoal provides the best practices to patients, their families, and the hospitals and staff that care for them.

Learn more at





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