Download a cover letter here and approach businesses for donations to our auction or sell advertising in our program
Donation Form and Advertising for Businesses on this link
Have a basket, item, or experience to donate to our Silent Auction, use this form
Donations to Aquinas Academy are tax deductible and support our mission to form the next generation of saints!
Dear Friends,
Come and join us for a wonderful evening celebrating our school community under the title 'Stella Maris' on Saturday April 13th.
Each guest will be treated to appetizers, catered dinner by the Prime Minister, dessert table with complimentary drinks (wine, beer, seltzer and soda) as we celebrate the impact Aquinas Academy is making in the lives of our families.
Thank you James Bild, State Farm, Dr Bitner Family Dentistry and Zignego Ready Mix for being our partner sponsors for our 2024 Gala -'Stella Maris'!
These are wonderful family owned businesses and we are proud to support them!