My Personal Fundraising Page

Thank you for helping me reach my Cycle The Greenway fundraising goal for the Wolf River Conservancy! With your support, we can continue to raise the necessary funds to preserve the Wonder of the Wolf, an environmental treasure of the Mid-South.


Why I Am Fundraising for the Wolf River Conservancy

Established in 1985, The Wolf River Conservancy is dedicated to the protection and enhancement of the Wolf River and its watershed as a sustainable natural resource. The Wolf River Conservancy has three major focus areas:

  • Conservation - We have protected over 16,500 acres along the Wolf River watershed
  • Education - We help connect people to the Wolf River through education
  • Recreation - We help people explore the Wolf River through recreational opportunities

The Wolf River Conservancy is making monumental strides in completing the entire 26-mile Wolf River Greenway trail within Memphis city limits. This urban greenway will help connect many communities within the city and supports our three focus areas of conservation, education and recreation today and for future generations.


Thank you for helping in my fundraising efforts for Cycle The Greenway!





of your goal reached

My Supporters

  • Gary Jewel May 2019 $20.00
  • Gary Jewel May 2019 $20.00