Place a bid on an item by swiping the Slider when in grid view. You can also bid by swiping the item when in list view. You can also place a bid by selecting the item and tapping "Bid" at the bottom of the screen
All bids are final. However, if you need to cancel a bid, please see an administrator at the event. They will be able to rescind an unwanted bid?
You can find the items you have purchased, including the items you donated to, in the "Purchased" tabof the "My Activity" view. When the auction ends, items you won will also appear in the "Purchased" tab of the "My Activity" view. To get to the "My Activity" view, tap the cart at the bottom of the screen.
To change the payment method associated with your ticket, tap the menu button at the bottom of the screen, then tap "Payment Setting".
When the auction ends, the organization may choose to auto-bill the payment method associated with your ticket. If the organization chooses not to auto-bill, payment for the won and purchased items is required at the end of the auction.
Contact the charity/organization listed on the homepage
You can find the items you have won in the "Winning" tab of the "My activity" view. When the auction ends, the items you have won will be listed in the "Purchased" tab of the "My Activity" view. To get to the "My Activity" view, tap the cart at the bottom of the screen.
When the auction ends, you'll see a notice at the top of your screen indicating the auction is over. When the organization opens checkout, a "Checkout" button will appear in this notice. Tapping the "checkout" button will allow you to review your purchases and process your payment. If the organization has auto-billed your payment method, this button will say "View Receipt" and your purchase will be complete.
You cannot bid on behalf of someone else but all silent auction items will be opened to the public 48 hours in advance of the event and anyone can bid on them whether they are at the event or not.
Please choose a ticket/bidder number to use during the event. You may switch tickets at anytime.
Choose one of your saved payment methods or add a new payment to use during the event.
You will need to enter a payment method to bid, purchase, or donate to the auction.
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Head to the Activity Center to see if you've won any items!
Checkout for auction items will be opening soon.
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Pay for items using your saved payment method or enter a new payment method.
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