Deadlifts for Dreams

Jericho Belmonte

Help Me Make Maya's Dream Come True!

Meet Maya Banner.png

I JERICHO BELMONTE am deadlfting to help make Maya's Dream Come True - and I need your help guys!

The Dream Factory is so important for kids across Manitoba who are battling life-threatening illnesses. These kids desperately need a break from the routine of hospitals, medical treatments, and the very adult challenges that come along with their illness.

How incredible would it be to be able to make a dream come true for a child that could really use an extra boost of hope?

By donating to my campaign, you will directly help to make Maya's dream come true. Maya is an incredibly tough 2-year-old who has been battling the unimaginable when she was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in April of 2018. Maya is still deciding what she wants her big dream to be, but we want to make sure that, when she is feeling up to it, her dream can come true. We are raising funds to give Maya and her family a break from the tests and treatments, a chance to be together as a family, and a few moments for Maya to just be a kid.

To be able to give the gift of a dream to a child in need is a truly wonderful thing. I would be so appreciative to have your support so that, together, we can bring a dream to life right here in our community.

Thank you – for helping to make a child's dream come true!





of your goal reached

My Supporters

  • Jami Prysazniuk April 2019 $20.00
  • JP Tetrault March 2019 $25.00
  • Rob Norman March 2019 $50.00
  • Anonymous March 2019
  • Gary Lotocki March 2019 $25.00
  • Anonymous March 2019 $250.00
  • Jeff Mychasiw March 2019 $100.00
  • Rob Norman March 2019 $50.00
  • Christopher Cadiz March 2019 $50.00
  • Mitchell Engen March 2019 $50.00