Independence is a Journey that Requires Support

Ava's Story

I was born with cerebral palsy and am now in ongoing monitoring for thyroid cancer treatment. I was matched with Canine Companions service Dog Zenna in February 2019. I not only got a dog to help increase my independence and improve my health, I also gained a community and support network of amazing people. Thank you will never be enough for the gift of both, which have equally helped me during the tumultuous years since I moved away from home. Service dog Zenna and the family that raised her have been instrumental in maintaining my independence and health. Without their support I would have had to completely uproot my independent life and move back in with my parents for my cancer treatment.

Health and ability are always changing when dealing with a disability. The ongoing services and support for graduate teams  provided by Canine Companions is critical in maintaining my independence throughout my journey. In December, I finally became an ambulatory wheelchair user and my quality of life has improved dramatically. I was able to take advantage of the opportunity to return to the Canine Companions Kinkeade Campus to learn how to safely move through doorways with Zenna and my new wheelchair and now we are unstoppable. Due to the rigorous training process for dogs provided by Canine Companions Zenna has been unfazed by this lifestyle change. 

People need support and help to stay afloat through adversity, and I found mine here through the Canine Companions staff and the larger Canine Companions Community. I am fundraising to keep this organization going and to help other people with disabilities find independence and support in their lives.





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My Supporters

  • Shelley Rieman Best of luck! June 2024 $51.75
  • Anonymous June 2024
  • Pam Howland June 2024 $15.00
  • Katherine Urbina June 2024 $250.00
  • Sara Yff-Prins June 2024 $25.00
  • Ava Busto Schiff May 2024 $258.75
  • Katherine Urbina June 2024 $250.00
  • Richard Gooding June 2024 $103.50
  • Rebecca Schachter sending love to you Ava! June 2024 $57.96
  • Shelley Rieman Best of luck! June 2024 $51.75

My Teammates