Mary Segall & Roma's Personal Fundraising Page

Roma's Party Peeps

14 years ago my son, Devon, and I started raising a puppy for Canine Companions as a service project.

She was part angel, part shark. While it was touch and go for a while, the angel part won out. And the miracle of it was that she changed a wonderful and deserving person's life...AND OURS TOO! Special thanks to Michelle for including us in her personal journey with that firstangel over the past 11 years. With each new pup we learned something about dogs, but more importantly about life: humanity, challenge, struggle, success, failure, charity and love. 

 I’m participating in this year’s DogFest LA/OC to raise money for Canine Companions firstly, because these  dogs help others to live their lives more fully, but I think you'll agree that they also bring joy to our lives each and every day.  So I believe in Canine Companions and their mission to provide expertly trained service dogs to adults, children and veterans with disabilities FREE of charge. I believe it because It's real.

 I'm raising money for this cause because it's important to me, and I hope that you feel the same way. You can make your donation by checking out my page- just click on the big yellow "Donate Now" button------->


If you can think of others who might be interested in making a donation, please forward this email to them or share it on social media!  Canine Companions is a great organization and you’d be helping them.

This year, in doing this you will also be helping me honor Michelle with our first pup, Rumba, and our most loving dog and second pup, Cotton.  Release.

And so it begins again, with Roma, and you.

Thank you! 

Roma & Me.

DogFest - Grab a leash and have fun!






of your goal reached









My Supporters

  • David Stevenson This donation is from Becky, Dave and Norse Last month $1,035.00
  • Frances Lusso To celebrate all the good work of the Puppy Raisers! Last month $100.00
  • Randy Baird Last month
  • Michelle Kephart Last month $258.75
  • Heidi Neal August 2024 $51.75
  • Carolyn Stone Lilien August 2024 $25,000.00
  • David Stevenson This donation is from Becky, Dave and Norse Last month $1,035.00
  • Michelle Kephart Last month $258.75
  • Jeffrey Karp Good job helping all these lovable pooches Mary!! August 2024 $103.50
  • Stephanie Giorlando So proud of you Mary… August 2024 $103.50