Our Team Fundraising Page

come along with us!

We are back for a second Engage experience with City Team this year.  We are taking new folks in to see the inner workings of this amazing ministry, to meet first hand the folks that God has touched and healed and is now empowering to reach out to those around them.  This will be a life changing experience as we are given a first hand view of how God is using this ministry to change lives and raise leaders for the Cause of Christ and possible opportunities for us as followers of Jesus to stretch our faith and get involved.



Jeff O'Harra

Our Team

Recent Activity

Our Supporters

  • Prime Resource April 2016 $300.00
  • Eugenie Le Duy April 2016 $20.00
  • Sukhwinder Kaler Good luck April 2016
  • Eugenie Le Duy April 2016 $50.00
  • Anh Truong Thank you for your dedication November 2015 $100.00
  • Prime Resource April 2016 $300.00
  • RIM Manufacturing, LLC October 2015 $200.00
  • Anh Truong Thank you for your dedication November 2015 $100.00
  • Peter Brusati God bless you and your team! November 2015 $100.00
  • Eugenie Le Duy April 2016 $50.00