Dwell Christian Church's Team Fundraising Page

We are a community of believers who seek to reach out to those in our city and neighborhoods.

We practice loving each other.  The second part of Jesus' greatest commandment is to love our neighbor as ourselves. In the beginning, God said it is not good to be alone (Gen. 2:18). The brokenness and evil in the world are often the results of us seeking our own interests above those of our neighbor. No one is an island and we commit ourselves to caring for each other and to have the mind of Christ, giving of himself for the good of others.

We practice seeking justice. James 1:27 says, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." The church is to be counterculture that is "salt and light" to the watching world (Matt. 5:13-16). The good news of Jesus is not simply a matter of belief in abstract principles (James 1:19), but to be manifested in showing mercy and compassion to the destitute and oppressed.

We are looking forward to this awesome opportunity to see first hand the good work Cityteam is doing to help the homeless and addicts in our community, as well as what we can do to be a part of their ministry.

We invite you to be a part of our Engage Experience by supporting our team through donations. Donating is a great way for to help those in need. Thanks!



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Our Supporters

  • Anna Marcial September 2016 $25.00
  • Daniel Jansen September 2016 $100.00
  • Michelle Albertson August 2016 $100.00
  • Dalia Hughes Best of luck! August 2016 $100.00
  • Kevin Gin August 2016
  • Daniel Jansen September 2016 $100.00
  • Michelle Albertson August 2016 $100.00
  • Dalia Hughes Best of luck! August 2016 $100.00
  • Linda Balfour Kunasek August 2016 $50.00
  • Emma Jansen August 2016 $50.00