Team Leaderboard
Stone Riders
The Lakewoodians
The REFUGE Riders
Team Asbury
Park United Methodist
Full Rankings
Rank | Top Teams | Amount Raised |
1 | Stone Riders | $1,832.00 |
2 | The Lakewoodians | $1,204.00 |
3 | The REFUGE Riders | $999.00 |
4 | Team Asbury | $819.25 |
5 | Park United Methodist | $679.50 |
6 | McKinley Elementary | $534.75 |
7 | Team Estes | $476.00 |
8 | AREA | $324.50 |
9 | Ride A Bicycle- For a Cause | $137.50 |
10 | Team Super | $130.00 |
11 | A Few Loose Screws | $50.00 |