Odalis Flores' Fundraising Page

Donate to One America!

What OneAmerica Means to Me

I have been working with OneAmerica through Latinos Unidos at my high school since freshman year. OneAmerica cares about the issues that affect the immigrant and refugee community and that is why I continue working with them. Since joining, I have grown as an advocate and leader. Be it through voter registration, campaigning, or lobbying, other youth and I have fought for our communities. This year, I joined the #Not1MoreDollar campaign and spoke with members of the US Congress in DC.


Your donation empowers youth and community members at OneAmerica to fight for issues we care about most. 





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My Supporters

  • Leslie Andrews Great work! April 2020 $100.00
  • Alexandra Oleynikova April 2020 $50.00
  • Leslie Andrews Great work! April 2020 $100.00
  • Alexandra Oleynikova April 2020 $50.00