Caitlin Bain

October 1, 2023 12:00am - December 31, 2023 11:59pm

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My Big Brothers Big Sisters Journey

Hi, friends! 

You all know I am passionate about the work of Big Brothers BIg Sisters. So much so, that not only do I work there, but I am fortunate to be matched with Latara, my Little sis! In fact, my best friend Lisa and I are Big Friends together! Latara is awesome - she wants to be a paramedic or firefighter one day. She has introduced us to new music, has an undying love for PIZZA, and we can't wait for game night next week, an art canvas event, AND soon, making cookies together with my kids in December. 

I normally keep the fundraising part of my life seperate.This is a moment where I call on my personal network of friends and family. We have over 900 kids who have asked for support.We're ready to reach them in new ways, but we need your help. Will you make a donation today? Every gift counts and half of our goal will be matched by other generous donors! 

We are coming up on the anniversary of my dad's passing this month. I want my life's work to be what he would be proud of and I know he was proud of this.
So, if you make a gift, please make it in memory of my dad, Jeffrey Johns. I'll send something extra special your way if you make it in memory of him.

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My Supporters

  • Benjamin Bain December 2023
  • Donna Oklak November 2023 $1,050.00
  • Elizabeth Bain For Rowan and Molly November 2023
  • Anonymous November 2023
  • Benjamin Bain November 2023 $1,461.51
  • Alex Abbott While I didn't know your father, he created an absolute gem who has devoted her career to serving our community! November 2023 $26.25
  • Carol Blankman In memory of Caitlin's dad... Jeff Johns November 2023 $26.25
  • Ashley Meruani In honor of the incredible father, Jeffrey Johns November 2023 $50.00
  • Lori Jenschke What a way to honor your dad with such a worthy cause! November 2023 $26.25
  • Mary Koch In loving memory of Mr. Johns ❤️ November 2023 $52.50
  • Benjamin Bain November 2023 $1,461.51
  • Donna Oklak November 2023 $1,050.00
  • Mary Koch In loving memory of Mr. Johns ❤️ November 2023 $52.50
  • Diana Williams Making my donation in memory of my friend, Jeff John's with love to his daughter Caitlin Bain. November 2023 $52.50
  • Sarah Quinn In memory of your dad! November 2023 $52.50
  • Ashley Meruani In honor of the incredible father, Jeffrey Johns November 2023 $50.00
  • Alex Abbott While I didn't know your father, he created an absolute gem who has devoted her career to serving our community! November 2023 $26.25
  • Carol Blankman In memory of Caitlin's dad... Jeff Johns November 2023 $26.25
  • Lori Jenschke What a way to honor your dad with such a worthy cause! November 2023 $26.25
  • Megan Gehrich Not much, but want to give something in honor of your precious Dad! November 2023 $10.50