I'm skating to help make a Dream Come True - and I need your help!
The Dream Factory is so important for kids across Manitoba who are battling life-threatening illnesses. These kids desperately need a break from the routine of hospitals, medical treatments, and the very adult challenges that come along with their illness.
How incredible would it be to be able to make a dream come true for a child that could really use an extra boost of hope?
This year's Great Skate is in support of Dream Kid Rylyn. Rylyn is 12-years-old and is an avid hockey fan (and therefore, a fellow Great Skater!).
At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Rylyn was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia - a cancer of the blood and bone marrow. Her treatment lasted 6 months, and included four cycles of intesive chemotherapy. At one point, she lost so much weight that she had to use a feeding tube to ensure she was recieving proper nourishment.
While undergoing treatment in the hospital, Rylyn had the opportunity to regularly participate in music therapy and took an immediate liking to the ukulele. When the current travel restrictions are lifted and it is safe to travel, Rylyn’s dream is to visit Hawaii, play an authentic Hawaiian ukulele, and go zip lining through the Hawaiian jungle.
Click here to read Rylyn's full story
How You Can Help
By donating to my fundraising effort, you will directly help to make a dream come true for child right here in our community bravely fighting a life-threatening illness. A child just like Ben. Whether it's a dream shopping spree, a trip to far off places (when it's safe to do so!), or a meet and greet with a hockey hero - together, we can bring a dream to life!
To be able to give the gift of a dream to a child in need is a truly wonderful thing. I would be so appreciative to have your support so that, together, we can bring a dream to life right here in our community.
Thank you – for helping to make a child's dream come true!