Answer the Heroes' Call!

Thank you all for your generous donations. We have met our $10,000 matching gift! Please keep giving and spreading the word. We still have lots more to raise.

"I am THE PROUD MAMA OF CAPTAIN UNDERWEAR. What a difference this campaign is making in the lives of some of Jacksonville’s most vulnerable citizens. New underwear and socks is guaranteed to start the day off right. Thank you, my crazy Captain Underwear, for leading this campaign."

We are teaming up with Captain Underwear, Princess Pantaloons and the Downtown Ecumenical Services Council (DESC) to provide the basic need of socks and underwear, and I need your help.  

When forced to choose, food and shelter always beat socks and underwear. We know that a good pair of socks prevents blisters and sores which leads to disease. And new underwear is a basic need helping with hygiene and health. The Great Underwear Challenge will raise money so DESC can provide up to four pairs of socks and underwear to each person who visits. 
Help us reach our goal by donating and/or sharing this page. Together we can make a difference. 





of your goal reached









My Supporters

  • Michael Howland May 2018 $75.00
  • Jo and Ed Pratt-Dannals April 2018 $1,000.00
  • Pat Gurley April 2018 $100.00
  • Jon Thompson In honor of Julie Hadley April 2018 $50.00
  • Marian Poitevent April 2018 $150.00
  • Jo and Ed Pratt-Dannals April 2018 $1,000.00
  • Joan Haskell April 2018 $500.00
  • Marian Poitevent April 2018 $150.00
  • Pat Gurley April 2018 $100.00
  • Peggy and Bill Scheu April 2018 $100.00