Fundraising Tips and Tools

Everyone has a story. And for animal lovers, that story likely includes a pet (or two!) that has made a positive and profound impact on your life. Let that be your guide as you fundraise for the 2024 Heart & Sole Walk for Animals. Every dollar you raise goes directly toward creating happier, healthier lives for animals. Fundraising comes easily when you do it from the heart. Be creative and make it personal. And remember, you’re working hard for a wonderful cause — to help animals in need.

We know that asking for donations can feel uncomfortable for some, but you don't need to be a fundraising expert to raise money! If you're still nervous, just remember: It's not a selfish ask — you're trying to help a good cause! The worst they can do is say "no" (and that's okay). 

Use the resources from our Fundraising Toolkit below to get started. If you need support with your fundraising, you can always reach the Heart & Sole Support Team at
Take a look at the tips provided in this toolkit to get started today!

Thank you for supporting the Potter League, and happy fundraising!

Digital Fundraising Toolkit

Social Media Hashtag

Share your photos and videos with us, and be sure to tag Potter League on your X (fka Twitter) (@potterleague), Instagram (@potterleague), and Facebook posts. Use #heartandsole2024 so we can see all your posts. Be sure to include a photo of your pet or one of our shareable graphics below. Note if you click on any of the graphics below, you can download full-size images. 

Download Offline Donation Form

Facebook Cover Photo


General Social Media Graphics





Impact image for general post


Impact image for Facebook/Instagram stories


Why support HAS Walk image for general social post


 1.png 2.png 3.png

4.png 6.png 5.png  

7.png 8.png 9.png

10.png 11.png 12.png

13.png 14.png 15.png

16.png 17.png 20.png

Sample text for social posts

Get Inspired and Start Fundraising! Use these posts as inspiration — fill in the blanks or tweak them to match your style:

Post 1: Did you know? I’m #WalkingToSaveLives at the 35th annual Potter League’s Heart & Sole Walk for Animals! Your support means the world to me, and it’ll make a huge difference for animals in need. Click the link to donate to my fundraiser and help save lives today! [Insert a link to your Heart & Sole Walk for Animals fundraiser.] #HeartandSole2024

Post 2: Thousands of animals find their way to loving homes each year thanks to the Potter League. In honor of [insert pet’s name] and the lifesaving work of PLFA, I’m supporting the 35th annual Heart & Sole Walk for Animals. Will you help me reach my goal? Together, we can make a real difference for animals in need. Donate today! [Insert a link to your Heart & Sole Walk for Animals fundraiser.] #HeartandSole2024

Post 3: This year, I’m walking in the 35th annual Heart & Sole Walk for Animals. What would you give up for a day to change an animal’s life?

  • A takeout meal ($10) = Vaccinations to protect an animal from deadly diseases.
  • A new pair of sweatpants ($25) = Materials for lifesaving tumor removal surgery.
  • A cozy blanket ($50) = Training treats for 50 shelter animals.
  • Noise-canceling headphones ($100) = Emergency surgery to save lives.

Small sacrifices make a huge impact! Will you help me reach my fundraising goal and save lives? [Insert a link to your Heart & Sole Walk for Animals fundraiser.] #HeartandSole2024

Post 4: Every year, the Potter League gives thousands of animals a second chance at life and love. Just like [insert pet’s name], who’s been my best friend through it all. For every donation, I’ll send you a cute pic of [insert pet’s name] to brighten your day. Donate today and help more animals find their forever families! [Insert a link to your Heart & Sole Walk for Animals fundraiser.] #HeartandSole2024

Post 5: Animals have always been there for me, and now it’s my turn to give back. ❤️ By supporting my fundraiser for the Heart & Sole Walk for Animals, you’ll be helping me make a difference in the lives of animals who need it most. Together, we can be their heroes. [Insert a link to your Heart & Sole Walk for Animals fundraiser.]

Post 6: I’m walking to help homeless animals find warmth and love this winter. Will you support my Heart & Sole Walk for Animals fundraiser? Every donation makes a difference! [Insert a link to your Heart & Sole Walk for Animals fundraiser.] #HeartandSole2024

Post 7: I’m raising funds for the Potter League’s Heart & Sole Walk for Animals! Together, we can fight animal cruelty, save injured pets, and find loving homes for thousands of shelter animals. Please donate today — every little bit helps save a life. [Insert a link to your Heart & Sole Walk for Animals fundraiser.] #HeartandSole2024

Fundraising Checklist

Set up Your Page

Once you register for the Heart & Sole Walk, you’ll have your very own fundraising page to personalize. Start by adding a photo you love and share why you’re passionate about the Walk. From your page, you can set a fundraising goal, tell your story, create a Facebook fundraiser, and so much more. Make it uniquely yours!

Donate to Yourself

It might feel a little odd to donate to your own fundraising page, but it’s a powerful way to show your commitment to the cause. Even a small contribution makes a big impact and encourages others to follow your lead!

Make it a Team Effort

Want to make an even bigger splash? Get your friends, family, and coworkers in on the action! After setting up your fundraising page, create a team and invite others to join. Set a team goal, aim high, and watch the magic happen. Remember, the team captain should register first and then invite others to hop on board.

Ask for Donations

Don’t be shy—asking for donations is easier than you think! Start by making a list of people you can reach out to, like family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers. While asking in person is a great way to connect, sending an email can be just as effective. You might be surprised by how many people want to support you!

Send Emails 

Whether you’re using the email tools in your Fundraising Dashboard or your personal email account, sending emails is a fantastic way to spread the word. Share your story, include a link to your personal fundraising page, and don’t hesitate to follow up if you don’t hear back! A mass email works, but individual emails will really make an impression.

Share Where the Money Goes

Tell your friends and family what their donations can provide and they’ll be more likely to help.

  • $25 will provide one day of food & shelter for one animal
  • $50 will provide five Rabies vaccines
  • $100 will provide seven microchips
  • $250 will provide one spay/neuter surgery
  • $500 will provide dental care for one animal.
  • $1,000 or more will provide lifesaving medical care for the most distressed animals

Set up a Facebook Fundraiser

Want to make fundraising even easier? Set up a Facebook fundraiser that connects directly to your Heart & Sole Walk for Animals page! It’s a simple way to collect donations, and we’ve got step-by-step instructions and FAQs to help you get started.

Get More Social!

Let the world know why you’re walking by sharing your journey on social media! Whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or even LinkedIn, make your posts personal and include a link to your fundraising page. Use the hashtag #HeartandSoleWalk2024 and tag @potterleague to get reposted by the Potter League. Download our ready-to-use social media tools, like walk signs, event flyers, and Facebook frames, to make your posts pop. Regular updates will keep your followers engaged and eager to donate.

Ask a Few More Times

Sometimes, people just need a little reminder. Following up is key, so keep your supporters in the loop with updates on your fundraising progress. A gentle nudge could be all it takes for them to contribute. And remember, there are prizes on the line, so don’t give up!

Write Letters

A handwritten letter can have a big impact. Share why you’re passionate about the Walk and why it’s important to you. This personal touch can inspire even more support.

Say Thank You

No matter how you receive a donation, never forget to thank your donors! Whether it’s through a simple email, a handwritten card, or a shoutout on social media, showing your gratitude goes a long way. Celebrate their generosity by tagging them in a post about your fundraising successes. Remember, every donation helps care for thousands of animals, and none of it would be possible without generous donors—and YOU!

More Ideas to Put the Fun in Fundraising!

Set Your Fundraising Goal
Aim high! Setting a goal gives you something to shoot for, and you might just surprise yourself by surpassing it.

Start a Team
Everything’s better with friends! Gather your animal-loving pals, family, and coworkers to join forces for the Potter League’s Heart & Sole Walk for Animals. Together, you’ll make an even bigger impact.

Donate Your Birthday or Anniversary
Got a special day coming up? Instead of gifts, ask your loved ones to donate to your cause. You can easily set this up through the Potter League for Animals page on Facebook.

Employer Matching Gifts
Double the impact! Many companies match employee donations. Ask your donors if their employer offers this perk. If so, request a matching gift form and send it to Connie Kile at—we’ll handle the rest!

Spare Change Jar
Every penny counts! Set up a change jar at your workplace for folks to drop in their spare change. You’ll be amazed at how quickly it adds up.

Host a Virtual Fundraising Night
Bring the party online! Host a virtual wine tasting, cooking class, or themed night with a portion of the proceeds going to your fundraising efforts.

Put Your Personal Talents to Use
Offer your skills in exchange for donations. Whether it’s photography, dog walking, or backyard cleanup, your talents can help raise funds while giving back to your community.

Advertise Everywhere
Spread the word by putting up posters in break rooms, local businesses, and anywhere people gather. You can download ready-to-go posters from our website.

Prize Drawing
Create some buzz! Ask your coworkers for a $10 donation in exchange for a chance to win gift certificates, prime parking spots, or event tickets.

Host a Jeans/Casual Day
Who doesn’t love an extra casual day? Offer your colleagues the chance to dress down in exchange for a donation.

Food & Beverage Sale
Sweeten the deal! Sell cookies, donuts, or beverages at work, and watch the donations roll in.

Skip the takeout and donate the savings! Encourage employees to bring lunch from home for a week and donate the money saved to your Walk fund.

Candy Grams
A sweet gesture for a sweet cause. Sell candy grams to coworkers as a way for them to show appreciation while supporting your fundraising efforts.

Used DVD/Book Sale
Clear the clutter for a cause! Host a sale with old books and DVDs, or organize one at work with donations from colleagues.

Create Friendly Competition
Nothing like a little rivalry to boost motivation! Offer a prize to your top fundraisers or challenge another team to see who can raise the most.

Dine to Be Kind
Partner with local restaurants or food trucks to host a special promotion, like a “Pint for Paws” or “Yappy Hour,” with a percentage of sales going to your cause.

Karaoke Night
Sing your heart out! Host a karaoke night and collect pledges for every song sung.

Fundraising House Party
Party for a purpose! Throw a themed house party and collect donations as the price of admission.

Garage/Yard Sale
Turn your unwanted items into support for animals. Host a sale and donate the proceeds to the Walk. Be sure to let shoppers know their purchases are helping pets in need!

Pennies for Paws
Decorate a donation box and place it in a high-traffic area at work to collect spare change for animals in need.

“Round Up for Rover”
If you’re a business owner, ask customers to round up their purchases to the nearest dollar, with the extra going to your fundraising efforts.

Gym Jar
Place a donation jar at your gym’s front desk, and encourage fellow gym-goers to contribute to your cause.

Ask Your Doctor or Veterinarian
Flip the script! Ask your doctor or vet to support your fundraising efforts instead of the other way around.

Host a Scavenger Hunt
Fun for everyone! Charge an entry fee for a scavenger hunt, and offer donated prizes for the winners.

Game/Poker Night
Gather your friends for a game night or poker tournament, with entry fees going towards your fundraising goal.

Add to Your Email Signature
Promote your fundraising page with every email by adding the URL to your signature. It’s an easy way to spread the word.

Get Piggy with It!
Distribute piggy banks and ask friends to collect spare change for a month. Every little bit helps!

Get Competitive
Challenge a nearby business or another department at work to a fundraising duel. Whether it’s raising the most money or recruiting the most members, a little friendly competition can go a long way.

Matching Gift Programs
Does your company offer matching gifts? If you’re not sure, ask! This is an easy way to double your impact.

Ask, Ask, and Ask Again!
People need reminders! Don’t hesitate to ask more than once—often, it’s the second or third request that prompts a donation.

Stay Focused
Keep your mission in mind. Remember why you’re participating and how your fundraising will make a difference for animals in need. Your passion will inspire others!

Themed Costume Days: Organize themed dress-up days at work or with friends, like “Superhero Day” or “Animal Print Day,” and ask participants to donate in support of your Walk.

DIY Craft Sale: If you or your friends are crafty, create homemade goods to sell, like candles, jewelry, or pet toys, with proceeds going to your fundraiser.

Pet Photo Contest: Host a “Cutest Pet” contest on social media, with entry fees going towards your goal. Offer fun prizes for the winners!

Trivia Night: Organize a trivia night at a local venue or online, charging a small entry fee. Make it pet-themed for added fun!

Neighborhood Yard Clean-Up: Offer to help neighbors with yard work or seasonal clean-up in exchange for donations. This is a great way to engage with your community and raise funds.

Bake-Off Competition: Host a bake-off where participants donate to enter. Invite people to vote with their dollars for the best-tasting treats.

Take the 10 Days, 10 Ways Challenge

Day 1: Show your commitment! Start by making your own donation of $25, $50, or more. Set up your personal fundraising page and unlock fundraising tools that will help you get the word out.

Day 2: Ask two family members for $25 each.

Day 3: Ask a business you frequent to donate $25.

Day 4: Ask five coworkers to sponsor you for $20 each.

Day 5: Ask your boss for a company contribution of $100.

Day 6: Ask five people you know from your extracurricular activities, such as sports, book club, or your child’s activities, to donate $10 each.

Day 7: Ask five friends to donate $20 each.

Day 8: Turn it around! Ask someone who has asked you to support their cause to support you with $25.

Day 9: Ask your company if they offer matching gifts.

Day 10: Activate your social media networks! Once you get the word out, you’ll be surprised at the individuals who will support you — a high school friend, a college roommate, a former coworker. Give everyone you know a chance to say “yes!”


Contact us at and let us know your ideas.