Fundraising Tips

  • Donate to your own fundraiser — set an example and make the first donation to your page. It's fair to expect most donors to match your initial donation, so if you're hoping people donate $50, lead by example. 
  • Ask for BIG DONATIONS! Remember, you're raising money for an incredibly worthy cause, so don't just ask for $10, ask for their wallet. In the end, donors will give what they're comfortable with, but might as well aim for the stars.
  • Set a goal to ask at least one new person for a donation every day. You'll have better results if you stay consistent. 
  • Post about it. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Snapchat, and other social platforms are passive ways to get the word out about your personal or team fundraisor. You can share to the masses or get personal by sliding into someone's DM with a link. 
  • Keep your head up and stay positive! Not everyone is going to donate—or even acknowledge your request. That's ok. Everyone has their own thing going on but the more people you ask, the more donations you will receive. Simple math. 
  • Don't feel bad about asking friends, family and co-workers for money. You are not asking for yourself, but on behalf of tens of thousands of incredible kids that have survived a life-altering brain injury. Worst thing that can happen is they say "no." No biggie.
  • Always be polite.Thank everyone for their donation and kindly request them to share your page with their respective community.
  • The most important tip—have fun! If you have the mindset that "fundraising is a chore," it will become one.


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