Thank You To Our Sponsors

Presenting Sponsor


Benefactor Sponsors


Partner Sponsors

Sustainer Sponsors





Supporter Sponsor


Portland Computer Guys, LLC

Friend Sponsors


JD Fulwiler & Co

Office of Multnomah County Chair Jessice Vega Pederson

Holst Architecture

Interested in Becoming a Sponsor?

Click here to learn about sponsorship benefits! 

Northwest Pilot Project deeply appreciates our partners who support our services through sponsoring our annual fundraiser. The Hootenanny is NWPP's only fundraising event each year and its success is critical to our ability to serve our low-income clients. We look forward to building a lasting relationship with our sponsors and making your support have a real impact in our community. If you're interested in sponsoring the Hootenanny, please contact:

Laura Golino de Lovato, Executive Director

2024 Sponsorship Levels PDF