Why I Run
You know when you have those pivotal moments in life that change you forever, moments you can never forget? You remember exactly what you were doing at that time, where you were, and what was happening around you. Those pivotal moments never leave you, but in time they do become your past as your journey through life.
In 1996, our family picture changed. Our world was rocked with the diagnosis of hemophiia in 3 of our sons. With no family history or knowledge of the disease, we looked for answers to assure us we would be alright. Some of those answers came from our doctors and treatment centers, but the most impactful answers came from others within the bleeding disorders community. Those families and individuals who came before us and were living life daily with the disease.
How did we meet these individuals? Through a network of national Chapters who serve the bleeding disorders community. One such chapter, and one I am honored to be the executive director of is Hemophilia of South Carolina. With the work we do daily, I am blessed to be there when a call comes in from a family or individual in need for answers, resources, and most importantly, a comforting voice and arms of support.
I ask for your financial support to allow Hemophilia of South Carolina to continue to serve the bleeding disorders community of South Carolina for many years to come. Funds are always needed to support our mission work and I would be honored if you would support my cause.
Walk, run, and join our team "Limitless" as together we will make a difference in the lives of those affected.
Thanks for the support!
Warmest regards,
of your goal reached
My Supporters
- Charlene Cowell Thank you for all you do for the community! October 2020 $26.50
- James Romano You are great! October 2020 $26.50
- roberta martin September 2020 $100.00
- Sue Martin September 2020 $25.00
- roberta martin September 2020 $100.00
- Charlene Cowell Thank you for all you do for the community! October 2020 $26.50
- James Romano You are great! October 2020 $26.50
- Sue Martin September 2020 $25.00
My Teammates
- Sue Martin Team Captain $178.00
- KP Kimberly Philo $25.00
- BH Bonnie Hall Hill
- JA Justen and Mimi Martin
- JA Justen and Mimi Martin
- EJ Emma Jackson
- DM Drake Martin
- BM Bo Martin
- JM Jax Martin
- CM Chris Maness
- AB Abi Beer
- LE Lucy Ellis
- TM Tiffany Maness
- JW Jakavius/Mattie Watkins Team Captain $0.00
- AP Alex Philo
- JN Jenny Nerenberg
- RM Ric Martin
- MM Mike Martin
- RM Roberta Martin
- BM Bryce Martin
- JM Jordan Martin
- MM Miles Martin
- KS Kristen Smith
- MS Maddix Smith
- LS Lincoln Smith
- CG Carter Gmitter
- JS Jonathan Smith
- CM Corbin Martin
- VS Vanessa Smith
- JM Jordan Martin
- KS Kannon Smith
- GS Grayson Smith
- SC Stephen Chun