Palestinian Women Can Do Anything They Set Their Mind To

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IRaise for Palestine: Women Can

Start date: November 2022

Close date: March 2024

Estimated number of people to be supported: 600


The Women Can project helps empower female heads of household so that they may provide for their families. The project is targeting 95 women, along with their family members, across the West Bank and Gaza. It’s designed to help them start or develop their businesses; increase their team building capacity and social network; provide them with mentorship and guidance; and help them feel more aware and confident of their social and economic power. With your investment in this effort, IRUSA is able to help empower Palestinian women.


$10 can provide ongoing staff mentorship

$100 can provide capacity building training 

$1,000 can support the procurement and installation of equipment for a business

The Power of You

The All-Powerful, Allah (SWT), has put power and opportunity in your hands and in your heart to give charity through IRUSA, and to support efforts for our sisters and brothers in need.

IRUSA program aims to economically and socially empower women-headed households in the West Bank and Gaza to improve their family income. 

These women will be given access to the skills and materials they need to start their own businesses. Women are provided empowerment and business training, COVID-19 safety education, social and mental health support, and skills training in their respective fields of interest. Through ongoing mentoring, participants have been building new businesses and/or furthering their success in ones they already have. Women supported through this program have received agricultural training as well as business training for independently-owned shops, catering businesses, restaurants, sewing businesses, hair salons, and photography businesses.

Here are just some of the outcomes we are working on:

  • Mentorship for women so that they can determine the best business direction for themselves

  • Training and resource provisions to help them start their entrepreneurial journeys

  • Ongoing counseling and support as they build their business to help them navigate as necessary


Naser Qadous, program manager, comments:

“This project helps many desperate families achieve some of their dreams. In our local communities, men are commonly the primary breadwinners for families. When women lose husbands due to death or divorce, or if he becomes unable to work because of an illness, women find themselves totally responsible for their family. This project is designed to help women to be more productive and part of the workforce, thereby increasing their self-confidence and independence as well as their families’ resilience.”


If You Educate a Woman, You Educate a Nation.

Whether it be conflict zones, displacement camps, or impoverished communities, a constant remains: When living conditions worsen for entire communities, they worsen at even higher rates for women. In destitute circumstances, many women are left widowed, making them the sole providers for their children and families. Their hardships are made even more severe given a limited female presence in the labor market coupled with limited education and work experience.

Islamic Relief USA dedicates a tremendous amount of resources towards projects focused on the education, health, safety, and livelihood of women and girls around the world. The Women Can Project in particular strengthens women’s skills so they are better able to develop small businesses based on their interests and assets. The goal is to generate income and combat poverty. Building on the success of Women Can I, implemented last year, we will expand the program to new communities. Women Can II is tailored to the new COVID-19 environment. With our partner Anera, we will ensure the safety of the women entrepreneurs at all stages by conducting awareness sessions on COVID-19 and practicing all precautions to avoid spread. The phased business management training will offer online sessions through social platforms with the possibility of some in-person classes, if public health circumstances change.

Furthermore, Women Can II will focus on sustainable businesses that are less likely to be affected by the lockdown, such as agriculture, shops and animal husbandry. Another facet of the training will center on social empowerment by providing psychosocial support to women who have suffered traumas due to the death of husbands or divorces. “Our goal is both to improve women’s income and their families’ well-being, and to empower them to overcome social barriers and become independent,” 

The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics reports that 87 percent of women-headed families are not “economically active” and identify them as one of the most vulnerable groups, as they are exposed to economic deprivation and social marginalization. 

“I was forced to become the primary breadwinner for my family after my husband and I divorced. I have had to stand for myself and support my four children. So I understand these women and the many challenges they face.”

– Nariman OthmanNariman-Othman-2019.-1024x691.jpg

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Woman-Can-training-session-April-2019..jpgHelp provide training and ongoing business mentoring

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