IRUSA'S GOLF CLASSIC   ○   Breakfast Ballers

Majid Dastgir

July 30, 2021 8:00am - September 27, 2021 4:00pm

I Need YOUR Support!

Please help me support Islamic Relief USA by making a donation through my page. 

The process is fast, easy and secure. Thanks so much for your support... and please don't forget to send this page to any friends you think might be interested in donating!

I am joining the Islamic Relief Golf Classic to support Islamic Reliefs annual Day of Dignity on October 24th.  I want to help raise money to help those in need in the DMV. 

Thier are two options the city had in addressing its stubborn levels of poverty. Give people fish, or we can teach them how to fish.  I am not referring to salmon or mackerel.  Instead I am referring to the choice of providing more direct assistance to poor residents vs. designing programs to instill self-sufficiency.

When it comes to addressing a complex problem like poverty, rarely is just one approach used, or adequate. Rather, it takes a combination of strategies.

One of the ways to “give people fish,”is through Islamic Relief USA’s (IRUSA) Day of Dignity campaign. IRUSA, a nonprofit faith-based organization, that will hold 25 Day of Dignty around the nation.  Cities include, Baltimore, Philly and Washington DC.

The Day of Dignity campaign strives to help people who are homeless or from low-income households get hot meals, winter coats, hygiene kits, and other items. Entertainment for children will be provided. 





of your goal reached









My Supporters

  • Khawaja Ikram September 2021 $250.00
  • Anonymous September 2021
  • Azmat Hussain Go get em Dr. Maj! September 2021
  • Anonymous September 2021
  • Asif M Malik September 2021 $250.00
  • Khawaja Ikram September 2021 $250.00
  • Asif M Malik September 2021 $250.00