Why Support?

Your support of the Fiesta Run invests directly into the lives and future of our 50 boys.  We are building future leaders of Honduras and of the Kingdom of God.  Jovenes en Camino also provides resources and outreach to the surrounding El Zamorano community.  Honduras is the 2nd poorest country in the western hemisphere so helping us is helping thousands who live well below the margin.  Thank you for helping us bless so many lives!

Event Happenings

Whether near or far, support our boys, wherever you are!

So how will this work?


  • $10 - 1 Mile fun run
  • $20 - 2 miles (receive an Amigo of JEC sticker)
  • $30 - 3 miles (receive an Amigo of JEC sticker, t-shirt AND GLOW gear - as supplies last!)
  • Any amount you want - ALL proceeds support our boys!

For every mile pledged (aka, every $10 given) you will be entered into a raffle for awesome JEC SWAG and other cool PRIZES.

Setup Your Crowdfunding Page

Want to help the cause even more?  Sign up for a fundraising page and encourge others to give and join you in your efforts.  Remember, all for the boys!  (Details when you click REGISTER). 

PRIZES for the individual, or group, who raises the most!

Bring together friends and family and walk/run in your neighborhood or local park!

  • We encourage everyone to run or walk with family/friends on the day/night of Saturday September 26 and post on social media as though we are all doing it together!
  • Just remember to be safe and practice social distancing!

Best Dressed

Participants are encouraged to dress up in either fiesta or glow gear and submit to JEC.  

There will be a PRIZE for BEST DRESSED!

All pictures must be submitted by Saturday night at 10 PM to be considered.  

Run WITH Us!





of your goal reached









Registration will be available until the night before, Friday Sept. 25th.