Please Select An Option

  • Individual Ticket

    1 Ticket to attend 23rd Key to a Cure Gala

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  • Bronze Key Sponsor ($3,750)

    • 1 Table (10 seats) to the 23rd Key to a Cure
    • Opportunity to submit customized Virtual Journal Tribute AD

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  • Silver Key Table ($5000)

    • 1 Table (10 seats) to the 23rd Key to a Cure
    • Logo placement on event marketing
    • Logo placement on Gala website
    • Opportunity to submit customized Virtual Journal Tribute AD

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  • Gold Key Sponsor ($10,000)

    • 2 Tables (20 seats each) to the 23rd Key to a Cure
    • Logo placement on event marketing materials
    • Logo placement on Gala website
    • Verbal recognition during event program
    • Opportunity to submit customized Virtual Journal Tribute AD
    • Logo recognition on Key to a Cure website
    • Logo recognition in Virtual Journal Tribute
    • Logo recognition on signage at event

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  • Platinum Key Presenting Sponsor ($25,000)

    • 3 Tables (30 seats) to the 23rd Key to a Cure
    • Logo placement on event step-and-repeat
    • Logo placement on event invitation & all event marketing
    • Verbal recognition during event program
    • Opportunity to submit customized Virtual Journal Tribute AD
    • Logo recognition on Key to a Cure website
    • Logo recognition in Virtual Journal Tribute
    • Logo recognition on signage at event

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