William C. Moyers

William C Moyers at Library Table.png

The Imperfect Arc of Recovery

Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers' (LCL) Stepping Up Breakfast encourages the legal community to Step Up and meaningfully address well-being within the legal profession. 

William C. Moyers will deliver our keynote address on The Imperfect Arc of Recovery. With deep insight and personal experience, he will explore the universal principles of recovery and their profound relevance to the legal profession. His message underscores the reality that no one is beyond the need for support, reminding us that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Event Details

Date and Time

Wednesday, April 16 

7:30 - 9:30 am



The Lofton

601 N. 1st Avenue, Minneapolis


Ticket Prices

Individual Ticket - $65

Half Table (4 Tickets) - $500

Full Table (8 Tickets) - $1,000

Table hosts will be noted at the event

Sponsorships available - For more info go to the Sponsors tab at the top of the page