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Captain's Log

"You don't win with the best talent, you win with the five players who are able to play while together." - Unknown

Why Be A Captain?

  • Great Swag
  • Raise Awareness
  • Increase your Community Profile!

Here’s a few tips for being a Captain!

10 Pins of Inspiration

1. Invite five of your closest friends to join you in creating a team

2. Come up with a fun team name

3. Design team costumes

4. Create a strong team spirit

5. Go practice bowling as a team!

6. Be sure to connect with your team often

7. On bowling day, meet for breakfast and work out your game plan

8. At event, come up with a team cheer, say it loud!

9. Be a good sport, wish everyone else good luck!

10. Have fun!


If you need any further support, please contact us at youth@acsc.ca, or give us a call at 705-722-6778 x107