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Please help the Guidry family today.


Despite not being convicted of abuse or neglect, Paul and Amanda have been placed on the State of Missouri's child abuse registry. We are currently working to get the Guidrys removed from that list, not only because they were never convicted of any wrongdoing, but also because they are working with a doctor who has overseen and approved the dosage of chlorine dioxide provided in the care of the children. We are also exploring a civil suit against the state for its violation of the Guidrys' parental right to treat their children with alternative/non-pharmaceutical medicine, and for the state's punishment of the Guidrys without proof of any wrongdoing.  

But of course, this is not an easy or inexpensive task. We have already completed one deposition of an expert witness, and we are preparing for another. We know that we have the science and - more importantly - righteousness on our side. What has happened to the Guidrys is a gross abuse of government power, and we must see to it that justice is served so that this doesn't happen to one more parent or child. Please consider making a donation to support the Guidrys today.

Watch We The Patriots USA Co-Founder Brian Festa, Esq. proivde an update on this case and more with Mike Adams HERE.



We are pleased to announce that, due to the efforts of We The Patriots USA and excellent legal counsel provided by Attorneys Kristine Shilt and Melinda Clark-Sann, the State of Missouri has backed down and returned custody to parents Amanda and Paul Guidry, who had their four children medically kidnapped by the State simply for using the alternative medical treatment chlorine dioxide. But the battle is far from over. We are now exploring a civil lawsuit against the State of Missouri, and also have an upcoming hearing to remove Amanda and Paul from the State’s child abuse registry. Please support our work by making a donation today.


A core focus of our mission here at We The Patriots USA is safeguarding and defending parental rights and medical freedom.  Sadly, Amanda and Paul Guidry of Missiouri were stripped of both when the state decided to remove their four children from the Guidry home, placing them in state custody and foster care.  All of this was done simply because the Guidrys chose to utilize an alternative medical treatment called chlorine dioxide, which has been used by parents across the world to treat children with autism, often with incredible success.  Indeed, the Guidrys used it to treat their six year-old son on the autism spectrum, and observed amazing results in a very short period of time.  

Watch the Guidrys tell their heartbreaking story on Faithful Freedom with Teryn Gregson here and on The Health Ranger Report with Mike Adams here.

Make no mistake - when there is evidence of actual abuse or neglect of children, there are instances when children do need to be removed from their homes.  But when the state has been unable to produce a shred of evidence demonstrating that any actual injury or other harm has occurred, or that the children are in any immediate danger of being harmed, children should never be separated from their parents.  Parents - not the state, not hospitals, not anyone else - are the primary caretakers of their children, and should have the freedom to make medical decisions without the interference of tyrants in government or the medical community.  


We The Patriots USA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, so in most cases gifts to our organization are tax deductible.  Please note that any funds raised in excess of the amount needed for this litigation will be added to our general litigation fund to help enable us to bring other, similar lawsuits, as well as all the other litigation we file in defense of our Constitutional rights and individual liberties.

Please note that We The Patriots USA is not a health care provider and nothing herein should be construed as medical advice. Always consult a licensed health care provider for medical advice or treatment.





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