About Michael....written (in 2015) by Michael's Dad, Robert:

Michael Capone is sweet and loving young man that will go out of his way to make you laugh. He has a heart of gold and makes friends easily because of his charming personality. He is an avid sports fan, plays video games, enjoys hanging with his friends, going to the movies or riding his long board (even though he isn’t supposed to). He is the world’s most picky eater and therefore has a core menu of fewer than 10 food choices. At times he can turn on a dime with his behavior or emotions but show me a 16 year old that doesn’t do the same! About the only thing he doesn’t like is being seen in public with his parents but I know one day he will be my best friend.


For all intents and purposes he appears to be a normal 16 year old boy on the exterior, but appearances can be deceiving. Anyone who meets him is shocked when they find out about his illness but that is exactly what he wants, to be normal. He has been that way since he was diagnosed with Fanconi Anemia at age 11. He has handled it better than I could have ever imagined. At times I can see it is getting to him but he manages the strength to stay positive. Luckily for me, he is 16 and consumed with getting his driver’s license. We bought him a car for his 16th birthday and are now in the process of “tricking it out” to his preference starting with a loud sound system. This seems to have brought a new joy and focus to his life which he deserves. For now though, Michael knows his limitations and will take it to the limit. Let’s just hope medical advances get rid of the limit.


With your donation, we can continue to move closer to ending this fight against Fanconi Anemia.  Thank you for your help and support.