The ministry of mercy

We are raising support for our two year volunteer commitment to Mercy Ships, to serve the needs of many — physically, emotionally, spiritually. 

Jeff will be the ship's Finance Director leading finance, budgeting, and in-country banking relationships. Jaclyn will have the dual role of being the kids' primary caregiver and when the kids are in school aboard the ship, she'll serve as a Physical Therapist in the hospital, or where needed.

There’s much work ahead with living on the ship for two years. We will begin our field service in July 2024, though we're purchasing plane tickets, supplies, and equipment now. Our startup costs are roughly $12,000 and monthly needs are $6,000. 

Partners are not merely people who give money, but who join us in prayer and live in relationship with us. Prayer changes things. Relationships build, heal, restore, teach. We want to remain connected to you so we know about your lives and you can learn a bit about third-world healthcare and West Africa, too (and share ship puns). Thanks for partnering as we bring the good news of Jesus and hope to others!

Follow our journey


  • This page only displays the total amount given through it. Other funding (checks, EFT, pledged amounts, or cash given through other sources) is not included on this page. 
  • Wanna send a check? Mail it to Mercy Ships HQ instead! Make the check out to Mercy Ships and then put “Jeff and Jaclyn Beaumont #6497” in the memo line. Then mail to:

    Mercy Ships
    Jeff and Jaclyn Beaumont #6497
    PO Box 1930 Garden Valley TX 75771

  • Only US taxpayers will receive a tax receipt for the gifts made through this site.
  • Anonymous giving ONLY applies to public lists such as the Donations Giving wall. If you give here, we will be notified of the gift. If you would like to give with complete anonymity, please contact Donor Services at 903-939-7080 or
  • The Oxford comma is the only way to go. Commas create clear, concise, and convincing communication.

Thank you for your generosity and friendship!

  • Anonymous 6 hours ago
  • Zach Kushner We are so excited to support you on this adventure. Praying and following your journey from afar, The Kushners A day ago
  • Anonymous 3 days ago
  • Anonymous I have known Jeff and Jackie since they were students at Biola University. 3 days ago $51.50
  • Scott & Kathy Brown What a privilege to donate to your monthly and pray for you. 4 days ago
  • Anonymous We are SO thrilled for you guys taking this step of faith... God is at work through you! - Topher & Kelly 6 days ago
  • Anonymous What a great adventure you are embarking on! Barbara and I are both humbled and inspired by your stepping out on faith to serve the Lord and love your brothers and sisters. May God bless your journey 1 week ago
  • Anonymous 1 week ago $154.50
  • Anonymous Jeff and Jackie, I'm super excited to pledge $200/mo in support from April through December 2024, and will then step it up to $300/mo from January 2025 through July 2026. 2 weeks ago
  • Lynn Cutter Thanks for being the hands that minister to all the people who are helped by Mercy Ships 2 weeks ago $25.00
  • Calvin VanEssen Blessings Jackie and Jeff February 2024 $6,000.00
  • Anonymous We love you guys! Praying for a fruitful time as you continue to step out in trust! March 2024 $5,150.00
  • David and Marilyn Beaumont We love you! We are so blessed to see your hearts to serve February 2024 $2,060.00
  • Anonymous Sending our love and support as you embark on this grand adventure! May 2024 $1,030.00
  • Glenn & Sherry Merz We're excited to keep in contact and hear all about your adventure and any special ongoing needs you have! God's blessings on all of you! February 2024 $1,030.00
  • Anonymous Proud of you guys... Servant hearts at work! April 2024 $1,000.00
  • Anonymous March 2024 $1,000.00
  • Robert Veenema Looking forward to following your adventures! Much Love from Uncle Bob and Aunt Heidi March 2024 $1,000.00
  • Glenn and Sherry Merz 2 weeks ago $500.00
  • Glenn and Sherry Merz Last month $500.00

Goal Tracker





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