What is a "Self Walk"

Joining the Self Walk means that you want to support Never Alone Cancer Foundation programs, but can not or do not want to be at the actual event for any number of reasons. 

  • Participants may not be able to attend the day of the walk, live too far away from the walk locations or just prefer to do it their own way. 
  • We have some participants who can no longer be physically active, but want to help make a difference in the lives of cancer patients in Manitoba. 
  • Many people can not afford an expensive gala ticket, but someone can donate $10 or $25 or $100 and make a big difference to someone who is going through cancer. 

Remember it isn't about the walk itself, but about supporting a Foundation who's programs are meaningful to you. The walk fundraising site is a simple and great way to get your community to support something that is important to you.

By signing up you can let your friends and family know that our efforts are important to you and have them donate to your page. 

Here are some examples of participants who have supported the walk, without actually attending the event.

Example 1:

Jenn wanted to support the Foundation and push herself to walk 100km, as part of rehabilitating from an injury. She'd walk her two dogs and post about it on social media. Not only did she surpass her distance goal, but also her fundraising goal. Here is one of her posts:


39k /100. 5km walk this morning and we were all tired. Pushed the pace a bit too. Feels good! I am hoping by next weekend I will be over the half way mark! A few of my coworkers have said keep waking until the 17th the day if the actual Never Alone Cancer Walk -Paws for Cause. They want to see how much more I can surpass my goal. It’s encouraging me to push harder.

Example 2:

Lori and her partner have a big BBQ at their property every year. Last year they decided to make it a fundraiser for Never Alone Cancer Foundation, as the Foundation supported a friend of theirs. Since they live out of town they couldn't attend the walk, but used the BBQ to fundraise for the walk and even encouraged their network to join or make donations through the site. The also had a donation jar at the BBQ and were thrilled with the results. 

It was meaningful to know that we raised awareness of what the Foundation does and how they help. We were surprised by how our community of friends stepped up. We even found out that they had supported someone else in our group, who hadn't shared their difficult journey with us.  - Lori