of your goal reached
Oakdale Plunge 2024 Leaderboard
- 1 Karin-Renee Roberts $3,590.50 raised
- 2 Mark Van Deusen $1,327.90 raised
- 3 Matt Wood $1,264.60 raised
- 4 Dana Reh $338.00 raised
- 5 SHEA VAN DEUSEN $328.00 raised
- 1 Columbia Memorial Health $4,721.20 raised
MetzWood Insurance $4,506.20 raised
Ginsberg’s Icebergs $1,756.90 raised
- 4 Hudson Area Library Local Historical Figures $1,443.30 raised
- 5 HPD Copsicles $1,070.50 raised
1 Karin renee Roberts $3,000.00
2 Ginsberg's Foods $1,500.00
3 FINCH hudson $795.00
4 Mid-Hudson Cable $750.00
5 Greylock Federal Credit Union $750.00
Our Newest Participants
- HB Hannah Black $60.00 raised
- MM Meghan Murnane $280.00 raised
- MB Mark Bodnar $200.00 raised
- JT James Tefft $25.00 raised
- BB Benjamin Burch $0.00 raised
- GB Grayson Brown-Olivia $0.00 raised
- SO Scott Ormerod $0.00 raised
- TS Tara Smyth $30.00 raised
- MC Miller Chapin $106.00 raised
- AC Arya Chapin $106.00 raised
When: Saturday March 2nd, 2024 @12:00PM
(Plunger checking starts at 11AM)
Where: Oakdale Lake, 132 North 6th St., Hudson
Questions?: email us at oakdaleplunge@gmail.com
Courageous plungers jump into Oakdale Lake's frigid water to support two hugely important Hudson institutions that promote safe recreation in and around the water! Proceeds are split evenly between the Hudson Youth Department Waterfront Program and the Hudson Fire Department's Water Rescue and Dive Team. The Dive Team uses its share to upgrade aging equipment, and continually train their all-volunteer team, keeping our entire community safer. The Youth Department's share goes towards Lifeguard Training and expanded hours for free summer fun on the beach! Learn more about your local organizations HERE.
Saunas!!! Big Towel Spa is treating the first 12 individuals who raise $1000 to VIP treatment with free access for 1 hour and 45 minutes to the onsite saunas after the plunge!
Outrageous Costumes are strongly encouraged for all our intrepid plungers and once again we'll have a costume contest and prizes for the lucky winners. We will announce the winners at the end of the the event.
Spectators are welcome and encouraged at the beach this year, however only plungers may use the Beach House to ensure everyone's safety. If you can't make it in person we'll share a video of the event soon afterwards.
See more details about the event on the FAQ page.
Last year, plungers raised over $56,000. More than a dozen teams jumped in the freezing cold lake.
Questions? Contact oakdaleplunge@gmail.com
Watch Last Year's Plunge!
Recent Activity
Mary Elizabeth Vincent donated $26.50 to Mark Van Deusen
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Jennifer Murnane donated $50.00 to Meghan Murnane
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Todd Clifford donated $50.00 to Amy Clifford
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Bernard Farrell made a donation to Tracy Ruggiero
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A donation was made to MetzWood Insurance
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