Onwards and Upwards....and Rappelling Downwards
I'm going Over The Edge For Brain Injury in support of the Brain Injury Association of California (BIACAL). I have registered to be 1 of 76 individuals to experience this exciting event taking place on Friday, March 18, 2016 at the Residence Inn by Marriott Sacramento Downtown at Capitol Park. In order to secure my rappel slot, I must raise a minimum of $1,500, but because I believe in the great work of BIACAL, I want to exceed my personal fundraising goal. Please help me to go Over The Edge For Brain Injury by making a donation to my page today. If you dare, I invite you to join my team and together we can make a difference in the lives of Californians living with Brain Injury.
Funds raised will be directed towards the following programs and services:
- Provide information and resources to thousands of Californians each year.
- Education through conferences and presentations across the state.
- Prevention programs.
- Increase public awareness of brain injury through events and community outreach across the state.
- Update the BIACAL Website that will include a community blog
- Provide the latest information about brain injury research on the BIACAL website and post active studies being conducted across the state.
- Initiate a monthly "Ask The Professional" webinar to answer specific questions from persons with brain injury and/or their family members.
- Seed new support groups across the state and initiate a monthly Webinar support group for those unable to attend in-person meetings.
- Legislative Advocacy on behalf of all Californians living with brain injury.
To donate to my quest to go Over The Edge or to join my team, please click on the appropriate button on the right. Thank you for your consideration!
Onwards and Upwards....and Rappelling Downwards
Willybalsh returns to where he was born to rappel to raise money for those affected by Traumatic Brain Injuries. Share the love and help others fight the fight I was fortunate enough to come out relatively unscathed, minus the dent in my head....and the seizures....annnnd I forget things......I did say 'relatively'.
My Supporters
- SKIBA MEDICAL You are amazingly strong and wonderful man for doing this March 2016 $400.00
- Rosemary Panepinto Good Luck Billy! March 2016
- Jessica Snyder Billy, you are an inspiration. March 2016 $25.00
- Rebecca Robinson Rappell away! March 2016 $200.00
- Reid Scott For a great friend and a great cause! March 2016
- William Walsh Go Billy Walsh! March 2016 $100.00
- Susanne and Matthew Handling Good Luck Billy!! Have fun!! March 2016
- Marie Lesniak Good Luck Billy! March 2016
- Matt Wise March 2016 $25.00
- Jennifer Gerard March 2016 $100.00
- Risa Feldman Ive learned about TBI from you - and hope to bring more awareness to others. DO NOT FALL! Xo Ri March 2016 $10.00
- Anonymous March 2016
- Shirley Miller Good luck Mark Ashley and family March 2016 $25.00
- Anonymous March 2016 $100.00
- SKIBA MEDICAL You are amazingly strong and wonderful man for doing this March 2016 $400.00
- Rebecca Robinson Rappell away! March 2016 $200.00
- William Walsh Go Billy Walsh! March 2016 $100.00
- Jennifer Gerard March 2016 $100.00
- Anonymous March 2016 $100.00
- Jessica Snyder Billy, you are an inspiration. March 2016 $25.00
- Matt Wise March 2016 $25.00
- Shirley Miller Good luck Mark Ashley and family March 2016 $25.00
- Risa Feldman Ive learned about TBI from you - and hope to bring more awareness to others. DO NOT FALL! Xo Ri March 2016 $10.00