Palestine Emergency   ○   Baby Ward's Aqiqah

Hareth & Shaimaa

Baby Ward's Aqiqah: Solidarity with Gaza

يقول النبي ﷺ: "تَرَى المُؤْمِنِينَ في تَراحُمِهِمْ وتَوادِّهِمْ وتَعاطُفِهِمْ، كَمَثَلِ الجَسَدِ، إذا اشْتَكَى عُضْواً تَداعَى له سائِرُ جَسَدِهِ بالسَّهَرِ والحُمَّى" (رواه البخاري)

ونحن نتفيّأ رحمات الله وفضله بأن رزقنا مولوداً أسميناه "وَرْد" تيمّناً بأحد أسماء الأسد عند العرب، فإننا لا نغفل لحظةً عن أهلنا وإخواننا في قطاع غزة الصابر المرابط. حامدين لله سبحانه وتعالى على فضله وكرمه، وعاملين بسنة النبي ﷺ، فقد أنعم الله علينا بذبح العقيقة وتوزيعها داخل غزة الحبيبة.

ولكي تبقى مسيرة "وَرْد" وحياته مرتبطة بغزة وفلسطين، فإننا ندعوكم أن تشاركونا فرحتنا وتخصصوا هداياكم الكريمة بالتبرع لهذه الحملة الخيرية المخصصة لتأمين المأوى والمطعم والدعم لأهلنا في غزة. سائلين الله عز وجل أن يكتب لنا ولكم القبول والنجاح، ولـ "وَرْد" تمام الإيمان والصلاح.

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "The believers in their mutual kindness, compassion, and sympathy are just like one body. When one of the limbs suffers, the whole body responds to it with wakefulness and fever". [Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

As we enjoy Allah (swt)’s blessing of our new baby boy “Ward” (one of the lion’s names in Arabic), we don’t forget for a second our brothers and sisters in Gaza. In gratitude to Allah’s grace and divine generosity, and in the steps of our beloved Prophet (ﷺ), we were blessed to perform and distribute the “Aqiqah” inside the Gaza Strip.

And for “Ward’s” life and journey to remain linked to Gaza and Palestine, we encourage our dear family, friends, and loved ones to join us in a deep act of solidarity. Instead of customary new baby presents, we ask you to use your generosity to help our brothers and sisters in Gaza.

Regardless of the amount, each donation has the enormous capacity to offer food, shelter, and hope to our brothers and sisters facing terrible circumstances. Donate what you can, knowing that the money you give holds much more weight in feeding and sheltering our brothers and sisters than any gift you would give to celebrate “Ward”.

May our collective charity be a source of hope for those suffering, a path to Allah’s mercy for those giving, and a bundle of faith and righteousness for “Ward”.





of your goal reached

Gaza: Over One Year Later

One year later, over 43,000 people have been killed and thousands more have been injured or deemed missing, according to Gaza’s Health Ministry. A recent study in The Lancet, a peer-reviewed general medical journal, has found the true death toll could reach more than 186,000 people. To add, a ‘total blockade’ has been put in place, cutting off 2 million civilians from access to food, electricity, and fuel.

United Nations officials are warning of an impending famineabout 55% of all infrastructure has been destroyed; and more than 90% of the population has been displaced. 

The attack on the health system has been particularly devastating. Less than half of Gaza’s hospitals are partially functional, facing challenges with the shortage of medical staff and lack of essential medical supplies. Polio, a virus that can cause irreversible paralysis in a matter of hours, has also recently reemerged. High malnutrition rates and stress levels make children more vulnerable to infection, and the Gaza Health Ministry has already confirmed an alarming case of polio in a 10-month-old. 

While issues related to the delivery of humanitarian aid persist, IRUSA partners are continuing to work on the following interventions:

  • Distribution of 7 million+ hot meals to displaced families
  • Provision of gender-sensitive hygiene kits to people in shelters
  • Provision of vital medical supplies to healthcare facilities including Al-Ahli Arab Hospital
  • Access to three mobile clinics for 62,475 internally displaced people (IDPs)
  • Access to psychosocial support for children and adults including self-care workshops, mind-body skills groups, counseling sessions, and recreational activities  
  • Access to adequate winter clothing for 4,250 IDPs

$100 can provide essential food aid to a family

$250 helps build rehabilitation centers to serve children with disabilities

$500 can help provide medical assistance in Palestine

Islamic Relief’s Dedication to Palestine

Islamic Relief started working in Palestine in 1994 and soon after, Islamic Relief Palestine opened its office in 1998 so long-term development projects could be implemented and overseen by people in the field.

For decades, our legacy in the country has grown to help hundreds of thousands of people every year with programs that provide livelihood support for farmers, help vulnerable children, and more. With your continued support, IRUSA can provide more relief for people in need.

Here’s just a sampling of recent efforts for Palestinian families in need

  • Supporting vocational training programs
  • Delivering urgent food aid to families in need
  • Working to install clean water systems

My Supporters

  • Ahmed Taha Congratulations for "Ward". مبارك حارث على "ورد" بورك في الموهوب وشكرت الواهب وبلغ أشّده وجعله الله قرّة عين لكما. May 2024 $103.00
  • Ahmed Taha Congratulations for "Ward". مبارك حارث على "ورد" بورك في الموهوب وشكرت الواهب وبلغ أشّده وجعله الله قرّة عين لكما. May 2024 $103.00

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