Polar Bear Plunge 2024   ○   2 Drakes

Maren Drake

March 9, 2024 10:00am - 4:00pm

I'm taking a dunk to fill a bunk!

From the friends, to lake Mvema, to all the counselors, and the s'mores - Camp Fitch is an amazing place to be for the summer. This is my first year doing Polar Bear Plunge and I want to raise as much money as possible so that everyone who wants to go to Camp Fitch will be able to.

At Camp Fitch, we always have a first day dance, a Wacky Wednesday, and an amazing breakfast on Saturday before we go home. Some things I love at camp are the Craft Lodge, swimming, riding horses, hanging out with my friends, and just having fun. We have a special camp tradition where on the last night of camp we celebrate our week together with a ceremony. We watch movies that other campers put together, dance to our favorite songs, and eat gigantic cookies. 

Please help me support the Fitch for All Initiative because I love going to overnight camp and want more kids to have the chance to go, too.













My Supporters

  • Aaron Hughes March 2024 103.00$
  • Sloane and Colette Drake March 2024 25.75$
  • William Howe March 2024
  • Jill Weeks March 2024 100.00$
  • Sally Schill March 2024 103.00$
  • Jenna Bourgeois March 2024 25.75$
  • Sarah Chaten March 2024 25.75$
  • Carrie Abruzzo March 2024 50.00$
  • Heidi Myers March 2024 25.75$
  • Julie Russell March 2024 25.75$
  • Maren Drake February 2024 1,030.00$
  • Timothy Drake February 2024 105.00$
  • Aaron Hughes March 2024 103.00$
  • Sally Schill March 2024 103.00$
  • Andy Schill March 2024 103.00$
  • Sarah Szpaichler February 2024 103.00$
  • Jill Weeks March 2024 100.00$
  • Jessica Severino March 2024 100.00$
  • Ciara O'Laoire February 2024 77.25$
  • Richard Howe March 2024 75.19$

My Teammates