My Personal Fundraising Page

Annie and Melinda's Adventure

I am Melinda Bednarik, an Intervention Specialist, self-taught artist and ultra runner from Mentor, Ohio.  In addition to teaching, I have been tutoring a 17- year old Solon High student named Annie.  Annie has a neurological disorder called Rett Syndrome which causes her to have difficulty walking, feeding and dressing herself.  

Despite her disability, we do everything together from going grocery shopping to Starbucks dates.  The family and I developed such a strong relationship that I tend to go over to their house when I am not "tutoring." 

Annie loves DISNEY CHARACTER (mainly The Little Mermaid) and horses.  She gets a rush from the movement of fast vehicles (train rides, cars, bikes..ect), and will verbalize more while in motion!  On our last shopping trip, Annie repeated the words "talk, book, Mae (her horse) and BB (me!)."  This is great progress!! 

Hence, we decided to contact HOYT and Ainsley's Angels to see if we can raise money to get a customized running stroller, so we can share the love of racing and spreading awareness! Since I am an avid long distance runner, I would love to share this experience with her and see some progress while in motion.  We raised over $4,000, we ran our first marathon together in Fall 2015 in PA. Since then, we have entered ourselves in multiple half marathons and 5ks. 

Dreams do come true - regardless of a person's ability. I am here to help make Annie's dream come true! 





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My Supporters

  • Joe & Dorothy Cleer January 2018 $500.00
  • Joe & Dorothy Cleer January 2018 $500.00

My Teammates