Linnea's Fundraising Page

I'm excited to be playing in the Pine Tree Apple Tennis Classic for the first time this year. I'm playing with my Luther College classmate, Chris Rovn. If you get a chance, come out and watch. I hope you can help support me in raising money for cancer research at Children's Hospitals and Clinics.

Tell your story here! Your supporters will want to know about you and why you’re fundraising for this cause.





of your goal reached

My Supporters

  • Anonymous August 2015 $25.00
  • Anonymous July 2015
  • Dana Koth July 2015 $25.00
  • Paula Ario July 2015 $50.00
  • Jennifer Hokanson Thinking of your family as you grieve the loss of Adam's mom! And this is gift is also in honor of a family friend, Chloe Holland-Anderson- a 7-year old cancer survivor. She is doing amazing and we are so grateful for any type of organization dedicated to July 2015 $50.00
  • Maren Suyak July 2015 $100.00
  • Paula Ario July 2015 $50.00
  • Jennifer Hokanson Thinking of your family as you grieve the loss of Adam's mom! And this is gift is also in honor of a family friend, Chloe Holland-Anderson- a 7-year old cancer survivor. She is doing amazing and we are so grateful for any type of organization dedicated to July 2015 $50.00
  • Chris & Jen Hubbs Casey Hubbs, a patient at Children's Hospital in her infancy! July 2015 $50.00
  • Anonymous August 2015 $25.00