Stories of Independence

Daniel with Service Dog Diya

two men seating on the bench with  service dog in between them

Last year, U.S. Marine veteran and Silicon Valley resident Daniel Rhyne was matched with Service Dog Diya. Diya is expertly trained to perform tasks that mitigate symptoms of Daniel’s post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Diya performs positional commands to provide Daniel more space in public, retrieves items from a distance, interrupts anxiety behaviors and nightmares and more.

While incarcerated at California Health Care Facility in Stockton, California, Aaron Hargrove was making a difference, diligently training future service dog Diya to be ready to change a life. Diya was also helping Aaron prepare for his exit from the Stockton facility, providing unconditional love and purpose. Aaron was able to reunite with Diya as she and Daniel graduated, ceremoniously passing the leash along to Daniel, helping him regain his independence.

Daniel shares, “She’s the most loving and gentle dog that I’ve ever had the privilege of being around.”

Ava with Service Dog Hawaii

young girl in a wheelchair with her mom and her black canine companions service dog

15-year-old Ava of San Francisco has a form of muscular dystrophy called nemaline myopathy, and she mostly uses a wheelchair for mobility. In 2018, Ava was matched with Service Dog Hawaii. Now, Ava has expertly trained Hawaii by her side to pick up dropped items, carry her backpack, turn on lights and much more! “Hawaii tugs me out of bed, it’s the best,” Ava says with a smile. Hawaii has even learned to help Ava walk up the stairs using “tug” task.

“Ava has completely blossomed. She’s more willing to use her muscles, and I think it’s because of the bond she has with Service Dog Hawaii. If she needs help, she can ask Hawaii, not mom, dad or one of her brothers,” says Ava's mom, Cynthia. “It’s like a weight has been lifted off all of our shoulders, because I know that she has a connection with her dog. Hawaii brings hope to Ava and motivates her.” Cynthia continues, “The amount of change and hope that Canine Companions has brought to our family and will bring to other families – it’s priceless.” 

Ava shares, “Hawaii is the perfect dog for me.”

Colleen with Service Dog Amador

Woman in a wheel chair next to her canine companions service dog holding a puppy

Colleen Shannon of Redwood City, California has a progressive neurological disease that causes loss of function in her hands, feet, arms and legs. In 2019, Colleen was matched with Service Dog Amador, who picks up dropped items, opens doors and helps her be more independent.

Colleen often uses crutches, and with limited dexterity, dropping them is a common occurrence. In the past, she would fall trying to pick them up. Enter Service Dog Amador, who happily retrieves them with a wagging tail. Colleen shares, “Amador does so much for me. Amador can pull a basket full of laundry up the stairs to the bedroom.” She continues, “If I leave my phone upstairs, and I’m downstairs, I can tell Amador ‘phone,’ and he’ll go get it and bring it to me.”

Now, Colleen and her two daughters are raising their third puppy for Canine Companions! Colleen shares, “It means a lot to me to be giving back to someone else. To be giving the independence, freedom, love and partnership that Amador has given to me feels incredible.”